This lively but sad number is sung by Violet Cattie, Newspaper Reporter and Gossip Columnist, in Act III Scene 1 of "Half-way up the Mountain".
"Half-way up the Mountain" or "The Five Talismen" is a Musical Story of a quest in the Silver Jubilee Year of 1935 by Peter Cork.
It was performed by the pupils and staff of Clapham County School in July 1976.
The discovery of a concert programme and a reel-to-reel monophonic tape recording of 'A Concert of Music by Peter Cork', given at Walsingham School on Friday, 15th July 1977 at 7:30pm, provides us with an opportunity to listen to Jane Crosswell, as Violet Cattie, singing 'If I had a Man'. Peter Cork conducts the Walsingham School Orchestra.
Just click on the triangular 'play symbol' to hear the recording.